
The sixth review on the implementation of the BPfA in the European Union assesses the developments, as well as the set-backs since 2018, of the objectives set in the 12 areas of concern of the BPfA. It provides recommendations for further actions to promote gender equality in the EU and strengthen the monitoring of gender equality (through the update of EIGE’s Gender Equality Index).

The review presents the most recent situation of gender equality, assessing and analysing the trends since 2018 by identifying achievements, gaps and challenges in each area of concern at both EU and national level.

Particular attention is paid to the context of crises and their implications for gender equality (e.g. COVID-19 pandemic, Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, climate change, migration) as well as to relevant EU megatrends (e.g. digitalisation and new forms of work, climate change, demographic ageing, new migration flows, changing family patterns, the impacts of globalisation and urbanisation).

The review also provides an overview of developments of institutional mechanisms and gender mainstreaming in the EU policy processes since Beijing+25: structures and resources for gender equality at EU level; EU gender equality legislation and policy; gender mainstreaming in the European Green Deal; gender mainstreaming in the European Social Cohesion Funds and Recovery and Resilience Fund; gender mainstreaming in the EU strategies related to other grounds of discrimination (e.g. youth, disability, LGBTIQ+, Roma integration policies, migration agenda, demography/ageing, etc.).

The results of this study include:

  • how to inform the post EU Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 debates;
  • how to increase knowledge among stakeholders of the main trends and challenges in gender equality across different policy areas within the current crisis context and key EU megatrends;
  • evidence for the improvement of gender equality monitoring at EU and MS level (i.e. for the update of the Gender Equality Index); 
  • how to inform the EU position in the global assessment of progress in the situation of women and gender equality and empowerment of women and girls.