EIGE’s Gender Statistics Database presents data related to gender equality, in line with the EU’s political priorities.
EIGE has been expanding its unique statistical activities and populating the Gender Statistics Database with new statistics and indicators throughout its entry points:
- on gender balance of leadership positions, new statistics and indicators have been added under Women and Men in decision making for regular updates
- on Environment and Climate Change, EU Funding – specifically on the Resilience and Recovery Fund and Covid-19on Institutional mechanisms for Gender Equality and Gender Mainstreaming related to Area H of the BPfA, populating the entry point of Gender Mainstreaming (contextual indicators)
An additional entry point is included in the Database presenting statistics resulting from the following surveys carried out by EIGE on:
- gender equality and socio-economic consequence of Covid-19
- platform workers
- gender gaps in unpaid care, individual and social activities
Along the Database maintenance and updating process EIGE has been producing short descriptive statistical analysis in the format of:
Data talks, which are analytical briefs that help users digest data in a meaningful manner. The selected topics are based on the unique data collected by EIGE. Two Data talks have been published during 2023 on topics related to gender equality and platform workers:
Characteristics and income of platform workers with childcare responsibilities - Statistical factsheets that focus on presenting data from the database on women and men in decision-making (WMID). EIGE published 4 statistical notes in 2023 on WMID gender balance in politics, business & financial sector, security & defence and in relation to the Green Deal