Nikki van der Gaag is an independent gender consultant, specialising in care, and working with men and boys for gender equality. From 2016 to 2019 she was Director of Gender Justice and Women’s Rights at Oxfam GB. She is a Steering Committee member of MenEngage Europe, part of a global network working with men and boys in alliance with women’s rights and feminist organisations. She is a Senior Fellow at Equimundo, a global organisation that works to promote gender equality by engaging men and boys. She is also a Board member of Make Mothers Matter. She is the author and co-author of four State of the World’s Fathers’ reports focused on care and is currently working on the fifth. She is also the author of six State of the World’s Girls reports for Plan International. In the past two years, she has presented on unpaid care at a number of conferences and workshops, including a UN High-Level panel.