The Management Board adopts the annual work programme, the medium-term work programme as well as the Institute's budget.

Management Board's summary of proceedings

It consists of eighteen representatives from the Member States which operates on a rotation basis thus guaranteeing total representation combined with operational efficiency. One member is also representing the European Commission. There is an equal number of substitute members.

The length of its representatives' mandate is 3 years. For each mandate, the Members appointed by the Council represent eighteen Member States following the order of the rotating Presidencies, one member being designated by each concerned State.

The Management Board elects its Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson for a term of 3 years.

Chair: Esther VAN DIJK (NL)  
Vice-Chair: Kira APPEL (DK)  
Standing Committee Members  
Board Chair: Esther VAN DIJK (NL) Jacqueline NIAVARANI (AT)
Board Vice-Chair: Kira APPEL (DK) Terhi HEINILÄ (FI)

European Commission representative (DG JUST):




Rules of Procedure for the Management Board of EIGE

Conflict of interests policy for MB, external experts and staff not covered by staff regulations

Declaration of Interests-MB-EF (Annex I-template)

CV for Management Board members (template)

Declaration of post-engagement activities-MB (Annex II-template)

Declaration concerning confidentiality-MB-EF (Annex V-template)