Who doesn't know at least one person that has been or is a victim of domestic violence?

Because domestic violence never stays just at home and it has an impact on work, the CEASEproject aims to implicate companies against this plague by creating a supportive and secure workplace for victims of domestic violence.

On the 20th november, come and discover the best practices as well as institutionnal advances on the subject!

Preview of the agenda:

• Present the CEASE project: its creations, results and

• Reflect on the consequences of domestic violence in the

• Share the experiences and good practices of companies
surpporting their employees victims of domestic violence in
Belgium, France and Greece.

• Expose the institutionnal development on this topic.

Date and time schedule : the 20th November, from 9am to 2pm.
Place : At Smart, Rue Coenraets 72,1060 Saint-Gilles (Brussels).
Lunch offered to the participants: from 12:30 to 14:00.
Information and free registration : https://bit.ly/35a3hn8

#CEASEproject is co-funded by the European Union's Rights, Equality and Citizenship Program and is coordinated by 4 partner organizations.
