
  • All you need to know as new MEP about the EU’s agency for gender equality

    A warm welcome to the new Members of the European Parliament! As you settle into your new posts and become familiar with the network of EU agencies, we take this opportunity to offer you a ‘starter kit’ to the European Institute for Gender Equality. We will walk you through what we do and how we can support you in achieving...

    All you need to know as new MEP about the EU’s agency for gender equality
  • The big reveal: a new look for the EU’s gender equality Agency!

    Today we have an important announcement to make: the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) has a brand new corporate visual identity! Just a few weeks ago we celebrated our 14th birthday. And in the spirit of reflection, we looked at ways we could further align our talk with our walk as the EU’s only agency for gender equality. You...

    European Institute for Gender Equality logo
  • Another Five Years For Director Carlien Scheele!

    We are very happy to announce that EIGE’s Management Board has reappointed Carlien Scheele as the Director of the Agency for another five years. Upon receiving her reappointment during the 42nd Management Board meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania, Director Carlien Scheele shared: “I am very grateful that EIGE's Management Board has given me the mandate to continue my work as EIGE's...

    EIGE Director Carlien Scheele
  • “Gender equality will never be a zero-sum game” – Director General Ana Gallego’s visit to EIGE

    “Equality is good for society and everyone in society,” says Director General Ana Gallego of Justice and Consumers. “We need to counter the narratives that gender equality is a zero-sum game – that’s why evidence-based policymaking is crucial to win the hearts and minds of people.” Director General (DG) Gallego visited EIGE for the first time since taking up her...

    EIGE Director Carlien Scheele (left) and Director General Ana Gallego of Justice and Consumers (right) walking together outside
  • Equality ministers in the EU choose a historic win for equality

    Equality Ministers from across the European Union met in Brussels on 7 May, in the context of the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO). What is the Council of the EU? In the second of three EPSCO Council meetings under the Belgian Presidency, equality issues such as violence against women and anti-discrimination see new-found prominence on the...

    EPSCO Council meeting in session
  • EIGE Gender Equality Forum 2024: Save the Date and Subscribe to Updates

    Get ready for the 2nd Gender Equality Forum, December 10-11! Join coalitions and conversations shaping the future of gender equality in Europe. Explore key themes: gender equality assessment and tackling gender-based violence. Follow #EGEF2024 for updates on this hybrid event.

    Save the date EGEF2024
  • CSW68 newsfeed – Director Carlien Scheele shares reflections from New York

    The 68th annual Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68) convenes in New York, bringing together government officials, civil society organisations, experts, and activists from around the world. The aim: to agree on actions and investments that eradicate poverty and advance gender equality.

    Illustration of women of different backgrounds and professions walking towards the same direction
  • How Will You Shape the Future of Gender Equality?

    On International Women’s Day, the European Institute for Gender Equality sets out a vision for gender equality in 2030. With Elections for the European Parliament approaching, experts urge for active participation in shaping a future where women's rights are central to policymaking and societal progress.

    Illustration of six women of different ethnicities standing together