EIGE launches this call for tender with a goal to conclude a contract with a professional service provider regarding the study that will serve as a basis for EIGE’s report to the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU in the second semester of 2021.

The study to be carried out under this contract shall focus on the implementation of three strategic objectives of the BPfA in area F ‘Women and the Economy’ namely: F1 relating to women’s economic rights and independence, F5 addressing occupational segregation and F6 relating to work-life balance.

The tender documents are available at https://etendering.ted.europa.eu/cft/cft-display.html?cftId=6319.

Note: EIGE is using eTendering platform for managing this call for tender, which consists of the publication of procurement documents and the management of questions and answers concerning the specifications and the procedure.

Please follow the relevant links to gain access to all procurement documents. The documents will be visible and downloadable, but in order to use some options on the eTendering website, you will need to register and log in. It is the tenderer’s responsibility to check for updates and modifications to the tendering documentation during the tendering period on eTendering platform.