• What is gender mainstreaming?

    Gender mainstreaming has been embraced internationally as a strategy towards realising gender equality. It involves the integration of a gender perspective into the preparation, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies, regulatory measures and spending programmes, with a view to promoting equality between women and men, and combating discrimination. Further information EIGE's Gender Mainstreaming Platform EIGE's Gender Mainstreaming Tools and...

  • EIGE’s methods and tools

    Gender mainstreaming methods and tools can be of vital assistance as they offer clear guidance on how to implement gender mainstreaming in practical terms. They support a systematic implementation of gender mainstreaming in a particular field of activity or sector. The aim of using gender mainstreaming methods and tools is to shape an organisation’s processes and operational workflows in such...

  • Towards a gender equal organisation: EIGE’s toolkits help get you started

    What does it mean to mainstream gender in a public institution or an organisation? With all the aspects to consider, where is the place to start? EIGE’s new online tools will help with practical and detailed information in three areas: gender impact assessment, institutional transformation and gender equality training. These tools are part of EIGE’s Gender Mainstreaming Platform, an online...

    Gender Mainstreaming
  • Institutional Transformation: Gender Mainstreaming Toolkit

    Equality is one of the core values upon which the European Union is founded, and equality between women and men is one of the Union’s essential aims. To achieve gender equality, the European Union has adopted an approach of mainstreaming this topic in all policies. In spite of a clear commitment to gender equality as a common goal, as well...

  • Gender Equality Training: Gender Mainstreaming Toolkit

    The ultimate goal of gender mainstreaming is advancing gender equality. Integrating gender concerns in policy decisions and their practical implementation is the responsibility of public authorities and institutions. Gender training makes a difference. If implemented systematically it facilitates more efficient actions towards gender equality and a positive change in the attitudes of policymakers. This gender equality training tool is designed...

  • Rape Crisis Network

    A secure online database on gender-based violence (Ireland)

  • Police report cases

    Danish police nationwide and regular registration of comprehensive data (Denmark)

  • MSPY Database

    A centralised and joint database on violence against women (Croatia)