• Intersecting inequalities: Gender Equality Index

    “United in diversity” has been the motto of the European Union (EU) since the new millennium. Since its inception, the Gender Equality Index has strived to reflect this diversity. Intersecting inequalities capture how gender is manifested when combined with other characteristics such as age, dis/ability, migrant background, ethnicity, sexual orientation or socioeconomic background. An intersectional perspective highlights the complexity of...

  • Study and work in the EU: Set apart by gender

    The study aimed to analyse the implementation of the strategic objectives formulated in Area B of the Beijing Platform for Action: education and training of women. The report presents an...

  • More on EIGE’s work on gender-equality training

    References to all publications Quality assurance mechanisms for gender training in the European Union [ - 6.18 MB] Investing in gender competence [ - 361.48 KB] Mapping gender training in the European Union and Croatia: Synthesis report [ - 794.05 KB] Advancing gender training to support effective gender mainstreaming – Reflections from the conference [ - 559.55 KB] Advancing Gender...

  • More resources on gender-equality training

    EIGE’s Gender Training Resources Database EIGE’s Gender Training Resources Database is a collection of generic and tailor-made tools and resources produced in EU Member States and at the EU and international level. They aim to improve the skills of policymakers and administrations when mainstreaming gender in their fields of work. The database contains useful materials, guidelines, tested practices, ideas, suggestions...

  • Gender equality training in the European Union

    Legal and policy framework Provision Challenges Previous efforts Commitment to mainstreaming gender in the EU Gender mainstreaming has been adopted as a strategy by EU institutions to promote gender equality in policies and programmes and ensure gender equality between women and men. Several EU treaties emphasise that the Union should work to eliminate gender inequalities and promote transversal equality in...

  • Designing effective gender equality training

    1. The existence of a legal framework and policy commitment to gender mainstreaming. Read more This should set concrete gender competence development goals and be combined with an organisational strategy for gender equality competence development that sets a clear framework for action (goals, target groups, resources, responsibilities, timeframes, etc.). The development of gender competence (for example, through training) should be...

  • Step 12: Give space and support to participants to implement new knowledge in their work

    Gender competence development initiatives do not end with the provision of training, and to ensure the long-lasting effects of the outcomes, follow-up activities need to be set up. In order to make the best use of the newly acquired knowledge that staff have gained during the gender competence development initiative, additional tools and procedures should be developed and offered to...

  • Step 11: Assess the long-term impacts of training at the individual, organisational and societal level

    Further on, an evaluation of the impact of gender competence development activities should be carried out. This requires revisiting the aims, objectives, rationale, inputs and outputs of the programme and exploring the extent to which the initiative had the desired long-term impact. An impact evaluation examines the deeper changes that have resulted from the implementation of the gender competence development...

  • Step 10: Set up an evaluation framework

    Along with the design and implementation of the initiative, an evaluation framework needs to be developed to measure the outcomes of the initiative. Outcome evaluation looks at the changes that have occurred as a result of the implementation of the programme. At the individual level, the gender competence development initiative should have the immediate outcomes of: Raising awareness about the...