TARGET – The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) (GR)

The project TARGET addresses gender inequalities in the structures of research and innovation (R&I) institutions. It was implemented in the research centre Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) and funded by EU’s Horizon 2020 R&I programme. The project involved a consortium of EU and non-EU partners that collaborated in the transfer of know-how on gender equality in R&I from more advanced to less advanced institutions.  The main objective of the measure is to adopt a gender equality policy by emphasising an iterative and reflexive process towards equality at the institutional level as well as the establishment of a community of practice for gender equality within the institution. TARGET was implemented in ELIAMEP in the following way:

  • A gender equality audit was implemented to assess the situation;
  • Gender equality issues were introduced and discussed on a regular basis in the meetings of the Board of Directors and in the meetings of researchers;
  • The internal regulation of the institution was changed to reflect non-discrimination as a principle:
  • Non-sexist language was adopted and all internal and external documents were revised accordingly;  
  • Training and capacity-building seminars were carried out;
  • A GEP was approved; 
  • A guide for drafting GEPs in Greece was disseminated;
  • A Gender Equality Officer was appointed.