
  • Gender Parity and Women in Leadership Positions

    The German-Polish conference aims to present and discuss the diversity of arguments surrounding the introduction of quotas on company boards in the EU. The conference takes an interdisciplinary approach, presenting a comparison of views from Germany and Poland with an emphasis on legal positions. Experts from leading European universities will add to the discussion by providing insights and opinions from...

  • Equality of Men and Women in the Labour Market: Expectations and Reality- Conference

    The conference is organized by the Robert B.Zajonc Institute for Social Studies. It will take place in Warsaw, in the Warsaw University's Library, Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, room 105 (Ist floor) on the 8th of April, 2013 from 4 pm to 8 pm. The programme of the conference is available here.

  • Meeting with the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality of the European Parliament

    On 3 April the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) of the European Parliament visited EIGE. Chair Gustafsson and his delegation and Director V. Langbakk and her staff had a fruitful exchange of views on the supporting role of EIGE to the European Parliament, EIGE’s upcoming activities and plans for closer co-operation.

  • ATGENDER 2013 Spring Conference

    The European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation (ATGENDER) has established a tradition of organizing Spring Conferences dedicated to learning and teaching women’s, gender and feminist studies. The next conference is hosted by the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research, University of Gothenburg. The ATGENDER Spring Conference will be inspired by your contributions and submitted proposals, and will offer panels...

  • 3rd European Conference on Politics and Gender

    The ECPR Standing Group on Gender and Politics forms a broad-based network on issues relating to the study of gender and sexuality in politics and world politics. Over the past twenty years, the research conducted in this field has expanded significantly and the number of gender and politics scholars participating in the ECPR Joint Sessions and General Conferences has increased...

  • The gender dimension in the Europe 2020 Strategy

    The Europe 2020 Strategy sets out a number of new goals in terms of employment, innovation, education, social inclusion, climate and energy. Yet when it comes to achieving the targets set out in the Europe 2020 Strategy, the starting points of men and women are quite different. On Friday 22 March 2013, the EESC will be presenting its own-initiative opinion...

  • Business Forum: Equality Pays Off - A Europe 2020 Initiative

    Linked to the European Equal Pay Day and the initiative Equality Pays Off, a business forum will take place on 21 March 2013. Around 150 European company representatives will meet in Brussels and exchange their ideas on strategies to better access the labour force potential of women by increasing gender equality and thereby contributing to a reduction of the gender...