How can organizations become gender-responsive and transformative? The presence of more women does not automatically mean greater equality. This course analyses success stories and barriers, and goes deeper by looking at gender as part of an organizational change management strategy, rather than as a stand-alone item on the agenda.

Who attends this course?

Leaders and managers at all levels in the public sector; aid organizations; UN organizations; the private sector; the non-profit sector; gender and HR specialists.

What topics does this course cover?

This course empowers leaders, managers, and specialists to enforce gender equality in new ways.

  • Gender equality in the organizational setting
  • Strategic approach to inclusion
  • Decent work and the gender enabled environment

What will I learn?

Participants fuse change management and gender mainstreaming to effect change.

  • How organizations introduce change through gender equality initiatives, and what happens when they do
  • Success stories from organizations that use new management theories and gender frameworks
  • All about specific change management tools, and how they are used in real contexts

What will I be able to do?

Go back to work energized and enthusiastic about creating successful strategies.

  • Review benefits and drawbacks of equality-related policies, strategies, and actions
  • Apply a change management approach to promote gender equality in organizations
  • Produce more equitable results, in general, at the organizational level

Why should I join?

The Turin Centre is known for its alternative training methods and live-in learning experience.

  • Gender equality (or the lack of it) is one of the most important, and prominent, issues workers face today.
  • This course includes three different phases: online modules including webinars with gender and management specialists, an individual coaching phase, and the development of a concrete action plan.
  • Participants work in groups, brainstorm, and discuss to practice for real situations.

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