
  • Evaluating SDGs from Gender & Equity lens: online consultation until February 18th

    Next 4 weeks are important for Gender & Evaluation community: an important discussion on evaluating the SDGs from equity-focused & gender-responsive lens is ongoing. The consultation has 4 themes: 1: Relevance of “new metrics” ( measurement tools and indicators) for the evaluation of SDGs from an equity-focused & gender-responsive perspective. 2: Evaluation & complexity – Dealing with the increasing complexity...

  • 29 JAN: Vzdělávací program pro začínající političky / Training Programme for Women Political Newcomers and Aspirants

    V průběhu programu: • získáte jistotu při veřejném projevu • naučíte se komunikovat s médii • natrénujete vystupování před kamerou • zlepšíte organizační a kooperativní dovednosti • vytvoříte si osobní politický program • seznámíte se se zajímavými ženami Účast v programu je zdarma, včetně občerstvení po celé 3 dny. V případě zájmu zajistíme také hlídání dětí po celou dobu programu...

  • 28 Jan: Online Discussion on good practices on non-monetary measures in the area of 'Women and Poverty'

    The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) invites you to participate to the online discussion Good practices on non-monetary measures in the area of 'Women and Poverty', taking place on EuroGender, January 28 th , 9 - 4pm CET. Organised within EIGE’s project on “Good practices on non-monetary measures in the area of Women and Poverty” and in cooperation with...


    The focus of the two years project was on developing minimum standards on the use of RJ in domestic violence cases. It started with the following questions: Can Restorative Justice (RJ) be a solution in cases of domestic violence and if so, under what circumstances? This project seeks to fill research gaps, pull together existing knowledge and to gain a...

  • Konference "Jak podpořit rovnováhu žen a mužů v politice?" / Conference "How to Support Gender Balance in Politics?"

    Srdečně Vás zveme na konferenci (nejen) o kvótách. Akce proběhne 25. 1. v Senátu a vystoupí na ní zajímavé hostky a zajímaví hosté a z ČR i ze zahraničí. Konferenci pořádá senátní Výbor pro vzdělávání, vědu, kulturu, lidská práva a petice za odborné podpory Fóra 50 %. Svou účast, prosím, potvrďte do 24. ledna 2016 na tel. č. 257 216...

  • JAN 19: Online Discussion on EIGE's Gender Statistics Database

    The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) invites you to participate to the online discussion “ EIGE’s Gender Statistics Database ”, taking place on EuroGender, January 19 th 2016, 10.00 - 4.00pm CET/ 11 - 5pm EET. EIGE has been gathering several statistics datasets which have been consolidated into a centralised source for gender statistics.lts interface has been finalised as...

  • Women, Peace and Security e-learning course

    This 6-week e-learning course provides participants with an understanding of how a gender lens is critical to all elements of peacebuilding, conflict resolution and recovery work, initiatives and policy. It outlines the normative framework around women’s rights and peacebuilding, security sector governance, approaches to transitional justice, security policy making and awareness raising on women’s and gender issues. After the course...

  • 16 Days of Activism: Engaging Europe to end violence against women!

    The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) supports EU Member States and all relevant institutions in their efforts to combat and prevent gender-based violence. EIGE provides evidence and information on gender-based violence, including good practices on prevention, protection and training of service providers. From 25 November to 10 December 2015, EIGE joins the 16 Days of Activism through its social...

  • Dá se genderová rovnost měřit? (Is it possible to measure gender equality?)

    Index genderové rovnosti EU – evropská i národní data o mužích a ženách, která jste (ještě) nestihli využít pod záštitou europoslance Luďka Niedermayera ve spolupráci s Pavlou Špondrovou, členkou odborného sboru EIGE Diskuse bude probíhat v českém a slovenském jazyce. Rádi bychom si společně s Vámi kladli otázky jako: - Jak je index vůbec konstruován? - Mohou být národní a...

  • 3 DEC: STAGES Project ''Structural Transformation to Achieve Gender Equality in Science'' G.A. 289051

    On behalf of Mr. Michele Palma, director general of the Department for Equal Opportunities of the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers and project coordinator, we are pleased to kindly invite you to the final conference of the STAGES project on ''Structural Transformation to Achieve Gender Equality in Science''. The aim oh the event is to present the final...

  • EIGE Conference: “Promoting gender equality as the strategy for economic independence and professional empowerment. How social partners facilitate women and men employment and foster greater gender equality”

    EIGE Conference: ,,Promoting gender equality as a strategy for economic independence and professional empowerment. How Social Partners facilitate women and men's employment and foster greater gender equality'' will take place on 27 th Nowember 2015 in Brussels. This meeting is organised in cooperation with EU Social partners and it will gather stakeholders from employers and unions organisations from all EU...

  • EIGE’s Seminar ‘Monitoring the implementation of the Victims’ Directive’

    During this year’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence, the European Institute for Gender Equality will hold a seminar to discuss ways to integrate a gender perspective of the Victims’ Directive (2012/29/EU). The Directive establishes minimum standards on the rights, support, and protection of victims of crime. The seminar ‘Monitoring the implementation of the Victims’ Directive’ will bring together...