Gender inequality slows down economic and social development and constitutes an obstacle to 
good governance. Without harnessing the full human capital and economic potential of women, 
countries cannot prosper. Similarly, studies have shown that women’s lack of access to education 
and health services hinders poverty reduction. Empowering women and advancing gender equality 
is therefore a long-term driver for growth and competitiveness in a globalised world. It leads to 
inclusive and sustainable development, faster poverty reduction and speedier progress toward 
MDG attainment. Gender integration also adds transparency and openness into the policy process.
Gender mainstreaming is not just the right thing to do, it is the smart thing to do.
This programme will enhance participants’ understanding of the ways in which gender matters for 
effective policy-making and governance. It will familiarise participants with different practical tools 
and techniques for facilitating gender analysis and integration, and elucidate how gender can be 
incorporated into all aspects of development processes. It will explore the benefits and outcomes 
of gender mainstreaming, familiarise participants with lessons of international best practice and 
highlight how these can help address challenges they face in their home organisations. The 
programme will be delivered by a team of international experts in the field of gender, development 
and public policy. This programme is designed for professionals involved in policy planning, implementation and 
evaluation, including policy makers, development practitioners, public service managers,
parliament staff and government officials.