
  • Gender Equality Index: Measuring progress in the Western Balkans

    The Gender Equality Index of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) is the main tool to monitor and measure progress in achieving gender equality in the European Union. Since 2016, with EIGE’s support, the Gender Equality Index has been gradually introduced among the EU candidate countries and potential candidates (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia)...

  • Gender balance in the European Green Deal

    In 2019, the European Commission adopted the European Green Deal, a growth strategy with the overarching goal to make Europe climate neutral by 2050 and transform the EU into an equitable and prosperous society where no one is left behind. In 2020, the European Commission adopted the EU gender equality strategy presenting policy objectives and initiatives to make significant progress...

  • A Better Work–Life Balance: Bridging the gender care gap

    Care is a fundamental aspect of our lives, as everyone will either require or provide care at some point. Gender inequalities in informal care and its implications for carers and the labour market is of major concern in the EU. Drawing on the 2022 EIGE's first EU-wide Survey of Gender Gaps in Unpaid Care, Individual and Social Activities, this brief...

  • Gender differences in motivation to engage in platform work

    Platform work together with other new forms of employment are gaining ground in the European labour market. Although the share of women platform workers has been rising in recent years, they remain under-represented in platform work. Women are more likely to engage in platform work to gain an additional income and to have flexibility with the specific aim of combining...

  • Gender balance in business and finance: December 2022

    The persistent gender imbalance among key decision-makers in large corporations and financial institutions remains a cause for concern. EU institutions recently agreed on a directive aimed at increasing the number of women on corporate boards by requiring Member States to ensure that companies listed on stock exchanges have at least 40 % of the under-­represented gender among non-executive directors or...

  • Gender balance in politics: November 2022

    The composition of political assemblies and executives at all territorial levels too often fails to reflect the gender diversity of the populations they represent, with women significantly under-represented in many cases. The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) regularly monitors this situation in the European Union (EU) and its 27 Member States (EU-27).

  • Data collection on gender-responsive public procurement in the EU: Methodological report

    The European Institute for Gender Equality defines gender-responsive public procurement (GRPP) as ‘a gender mainstreaming tool to promote gender equality through public procurement. GRPP is procurement that promotes gender equality through the goods, services or works being purchased. EIGE, in its work on gender mainstreaming and in particular gender budgeting, seeks to promote gender equality in how public resources are...